Monday, April 21, 2014

True Love Memories - After Effects Project (VideoHive)

This is unique and unprecedented After Effects project.

The main feature of this project is the ability to change the background to your taste!
Also it has 24 placeholders for your photos or videos and text holders on each page.
You can use this project as a gift for Valentines Day, Birthday, Wedding, Mothers Day or for any case when you want to express your feelings to someone you love.
Love is pleasant moments and memories that you will be able to bring to life again with the help of this project. Make nice to someone who you care!

Full HD(1920×1080)
Duration – 01:14
CS5, CS5.5, CS6
No plug-ins required
Video tutorial is included
Easy to customize
24 image/video place holders
24 text holders
5 textures
Ability to change the background
render time: 11 minutes and 34 seconds. (configuration: i7 – 2600k nvidia 560 ti 16GB – ram)
Soundtrack for this project was exclusively written by Brait.

Fonts that I used in the project:
1 Chalkduster
2 Gloucester MT Extra Condensed
3 Century
4 Capitals
5 Brush Script Std
6 Brush Script Std
7 Annabelle
8 Abadi MT Condensed Light
9 Abadi MT Condensed Light
10 Myriad Pro
11 Rex Bold
12 Zapfino
13 Times
14 Times
15 Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro
16 Kozuka Gothic Pro
17 Zapfino
18 Nanum Brush Script
19 Bauhaus 93
20 Century Gothic
21 Century Gothic
22 Devanagari Sangam MN
23 Goudy Old Style
24 Zapfino

Created 13 February 14
After Effects Version CS5, CS5.5, CS6
File Size 801.1mb
Requires Plugins No
Resolution 1920x1080

Also,leave a comment, rate and share my blog. Thank you!

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6